Project Goal
Lifelong learning using newest technology is the new challenge for enterprises, but offers big advantages at the same time – higher efficiency and effectiveness.
Define the future Fiori Knowledge Experience by fostering new ways of learning, knowledge consumption and publishing and by fulfilling the different information needs of the target users.
Our team’s initial phase began with a discussion of our assumptions and challenging what we believed we knew about the topic.
We did a lot of research around, having interviews with the developers and learning about their ideal knowledge experience.
Our team then re-grouped to synthesize what we had learned, and conduct a brainstorming session in which we identified themes, refined our insights, and crafted both frameworks for the problem and ideas for potential solutions.
We built up DJane, our persona, which was representing the young talented developer who would learn very quick and efficient how to get started with the Fiori development.
We validated our assumptions, conducted moderated sessions and simply found out how the new experience would work for the developers.
Developer Conference
We participated at a Developer Conference and, as the whole experience was of a playful sort, I created the poster representing our project in the same look and feel.
DSAG Conference
At this point in time, the project had reached a certain maturity and dedicated teams were working together to bring the Fiori Experience further. As the Fiori Knowledge Experience had to visually align with the other teams’ focus areas, the visual direction changed a bit in order to adapt all requirements.